Your Personal Number for 2025
NOTE: All Astrology & Tarot readings are now 12% off (expires 2/15)
I’ve had an interest in numerology for years and have found that one of the most useful (and simple) applications for it is discovering what your personal number is for the year as it can give you insights and information about what to expect and lookout for in the year ahead.
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How to calculate your Personal Year:
Add your month and day of birth to the current year until you get to a single digit, like this: Birth month + day of birth + current year = Your Personal Year.
Using March 20th as an example:
3 (March being the 3rd month of the year) + 20 (day) +2+0+2+5 (current year) = 2048 Then add 2 + 0 + 4 + 8 which = 14. Then reduce it further by adding 1 + 4 which = 5. So for someone born on March 20th their personal year number for 2025 would be 5.
NOTE: Your Personal Year number takes affect on January 1st but becomes stronger and perhaps relevant in new ways at your birthday. Until your birthday, the energies of last year and the current can overlap, hence it’s good to calculate and read both this and last year’s Personal Year numbers.
Some of the ways your Personal Year number can help you navigate the year:
- What your primary focus and priorities are for the year in general.
- What to consider as you go through the year.
- What you may be over-looking and that needs some attention.
- How, by taking into account the energies that the number indicates, you can better align with the cosmic forces in play.
- What qualities to pay extra attention to that resonate with your Personal Year #.
- What things/areas may not be in your best interest to emphasize or place too much focus on.
- How to better grasp and explain what IS happening in your life.
- And how to better understand others.
Further in considering the numerological vibration of your personal year, another layer or piece is added to what is going on astrologically for these are reflections of the Universal frequencies present (you’ll see that each number also resonates with a planet just as the Tarot cards do). When the symbolism of the Tarot is added it offers a clearer picture of what the cosmic vibrations are.
Your Personal Year: The Numbers
ONE (The Sun):
Qualities/areas to focus on: Independence, originality, courage, determination, being true to yourself; cultivating/embracing new identities that resonate with who you truly are inside. Avoid being careless, impulsive or reckless.
Possible this year: New pathways and avenues for originality and self-expression emerge. You get in touch with what truly motivates and has meaning to you.
Spiritually this may be a year of initiation and embarking upon new paths of study.
KEYS: New beginnings are likely to occur in at least one area of your life. Don’t let opportunities pass you by! You may find yourself in a leadership role.
TWO (The Moon):
Qualities/areas to focus on: Cooperation, collaborations, order, balance. Building on what began in the previous year. Avoid extremes if possible and don’t hesitate to ask for support. Conversely avoid going overboard in your support of others and becoming drained.
Possible this year: New, supportive relationships and partnerships enter your life and some existing ones may be exiting your life. You begin to get a sense of your true potential.
Spiritual focus: Divine order. Connecting to your higher self. Spiritual integrity. Developing intuition. Creating a stronger partnership with your Spirit Guides.
KEYS: Creating more rhythm in your life is important this year and a key to success. Seek out supportive relationships. The choices you make this year will impact you for a long time-choose carefully!
THREE (Venus):
Qualities/areas to focus on: Creativity, cleverness, enthusiasm, joy, harmony. Avoid becoming distracted by too many choices!
Possible this year: Widening your support and social circle. Expressing yourself through the arts and/or creativity. Having more fun!
Spiritual focus: Becoming interested in the various ways the Universal Trinities express through creation (such as mind-body-spirit and spirit-matter-etheric).
KEYS: Discover the extraordinary in the ordinary. Follow your passion and what brings you joy!
FOUR (Saturn):
Qualities/areas to focus on: Stability, efficiency, bolstering your foundation, creating organization within your environment and in your daily regimes/habits. Being reliable and focused. Staying with the task at hand. Avoid being stubborn.
Possible this year: Establishing a greater sense of security in your life. Seeing the fulfillment of tasks/projects you began 1-3 years ago. Feeling more stable.
Spiritual focus: Seeing how discipline and routine play a role in spiritual development. Practice mindfulness.
KEYS: Don’t overdo but rather utilize what you’ve gained in the last 3 years to create something solid. Be responsible for what you create/do. Take things a step at a time.
FIVE (Mars):
Qualities/areas to focus on: You’ve arrived at a crossroad. Embrace flexibility, positive change, growth in new directions. Avoid being impulsive, erratic or going backward. Rather see what area of your life is “greening”… calling to you in an organic, natural way.
Possible this year: Moving, considering new options or avenues. Travel.
Spiritual focus: Attuning to the movement of natural cycles. Embracing the principle of expansion. Are there new horizons calling you?
KEY: Things are changing…stay open (and seek out) new opportunities and options. Five years can be both challenging and exciting as many things intersect in your life.
SIX (Jupiter):
Qualities/areas to focus on: Expansion of your range, scope and influence, building community, merging, being part of a group (family, friends, peers, etc.). Desire to find “home” and to belong is strong. Avoid isolation and going it alone when possible.
Possible this year: Becoming a part of a strong and supportive community. Advancing in some tangible way. Expanding your horizons. Branching out.
Spiritual focus: Learning to trust-others-yourself-Spirit. Nurturing these brings a greater sense of belonging. Using affirmations and developing a positive attitude.
KEY: This may be a rather complex time with a lot of different things going on. Very active year!
SEVEN (Mercury):
Qualities/areas to focus on: Maturing mentally, mastery, reflections, studying and learning, development of higher principles. Don’t avoid those things you know you must do to evolve/grow or you may become stagnant.
Possible this year: Advancement of your inner character. Greater understanding of higher truths. Spending time alone renews and is deeply rejuvenating. Getting in touch with what really matters to you.
Spiritual focus: Finding your purpose. This is a very spiritually oriented number and thus time. Inner work produces results. Developing intuition and opening the channels to the higher realms.
KEY: There may be tests or limitations. Ask for guidance and help from the higher realms. You may be drawn to take a sabbatical or retreat(s). Even short ones can be very helpful, and bring a sense of renewal.
EIGHT (Sun and Uranus):
Qualities/areas to focus on: Success, finances/abundance, manifestation. Avoid spreading yourself too thin, going in too many directions and/or becoming overconfident.
Possible this year: Opportunities that lead to success arise; finances improve. Bringing ideas and projects that you’ve been working on out into the world. New resources appear.
Spiritual focus: Owning who you are and what your true potential is. Developing your gifts and then sharing with others. Developing a greater urge to share your genuine authenticity, perhaps in a group setting.
KEY: Important to have a plan for success and then staying with it until you’ve reached your goal. Utilize what you’ve learned in the past several years.
NINE (Venus and Neptune):
Qualities/areas to focus on: Completion of past projects/efforts. Clear out what is no longer needed. Decluttering. Avoid forcing things or “pushing the river!”
Possible this year: Things end/wrap up. You may be drawn towards a simpler life…one that has space for those things that have true meaning to you. Completion is important.
Spiritual focus: Gaining an understanding of the cycles of life. The Universal Logos. Practicing unconditional love by opening your heart to others through the Cosmic Heart.
KEY: Letting go of what appears to be leaving your life anyway is advised. Allow the wheel of life to turn. Clear the slate and then wait patiently for the next cycle to begin.
I hope you’ve enjoyed journeying into the world of numerology.
May you traveling Light throughout the year,
May you travel n Light throughout 2025,
© 2025 by Elizabeth Jones. All rights reserved.
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