Links to pages you may also be interested in…
* Pluto in Aquarius
* 2025 Readings withh Elizabeth * 2025 Astro Event Guide
* Neptune and the Close of an Age
About Threshold Crossing
“Remember that the threshold is full of shimmering Presence”
~”Soul of a Pilgrim”
People have asked me what’s 2025 look like, astrologically speaking.
Here’s a brief list of some things that quickly come to mind (more to come…stay tuned):
*Overall theme for the year could be “cycles ending; cycles beginning”. Holding on is not the way forward. Seeing new possibilities and innovative ways of doing things are key themes.
*Shedding identities that you’ve outgrown and that you no longer relate to. It’s likely you’ll be getting (or have even started to see) that it’s time to move past the past.
*Yes a lot of changes is coming … culturally, personally, collectively and in the world at large. Lots related to the internet and AI. The future is here.
*Community, whether local, global or online, will be a huge area of interest, impact and a topic of discussion.
*With so much changing it is most likely you will be needing to make some important decisions and perhaps even some hard choices which could involve just about any area of your life such as: relationships, work/career, health/wellness and/or your home/family. Spiritually your soul purpose is wanting to shine into your life and through you.
*If you take the above to heart this can be a time of positive transformation bringing new beginnings and adventures.
*This is a good year for accomplishing goals even those you haven’t made progress on before. Time to give it another try!
And it’s a year of rediscovering who you truly are. Authenticity is a key element to the energies coming 2025.
Blessings and Light,
Previous Home Page message as it’s still relevant now at the beginning of 2025:
We live in truly amazing albeit challenging times which is certainly indicated by the astro-events taking place. These give a great perspective on the bigger picture and indicate that we are, indeed, on the precipice of a significant threshold, collectively, culturally, personally and spiritually.
Mid-year I wrote:
“I’m sensing that something is different about the energies now … perhaps you are feeling it as well? It feels as though there is a dynamic alchemy present that could take us beyond old patterns (affecting the world at large as well) and identities, moving us towards a whole new level or vibration.”
As we enter 2025 little did I know it would be quite this intense making it hard at times to find our way forward! So much confusion and chaos and uncertainty.
All this has not been easy, and especially for those on a path of enlightenment and awakening who tend to feel and experience the subtle shifts of energies impacting the collective more intensely than most. All this can bring turmoil, confusion and new (and old) issues to the forefront of our lives.
So how do we approach the New Year when managing our everyday events and challenges with the accelerated energies swirling around like an invisible tornado? Perhaps the answer is in the idea that we are approaching a threshold. Let’s look a closer look…
About crossing thresholds
I looked up “threshold” in the dictionary and was intrigued by what I found:
- A point of entry or beginning.
- The magnitude or intensity that must be exceeded for a certain reaction, phenomenon, result or condition to occur or to manifest.
- A level, rate or amount at which something comes into effect.
In the past few years we’ve been nearing this threshold and approaching that “point of crossing”, taking us to a new place. Yet as the above says a certain magnitude or intensity needs to be reached before “a result can be manifested.” This essentially means that until a certain limit is reached there won’t be “an effect” (#3).
This is interesting since it makes clear that many things have to occur before an actual change takes place and thus, an effect manifested.
During the last several years, we’ve definitely been in the “ramping up” phase and it was only natural to become impatient, feel hopeless and/or discouraged because no matter what we did things just didn’t seem to budge (in our private life) at least not in ways that we desired or intended.
We also witnessed that no matter what came to light or took place in the world at large, we noticed few changes or it often seemed that way, leaving many feeling that things “will never change” at least not in the ways needed to reverse or shift the trajectory of life on Earth. And yet, they can and do change…under the right circumstances and when the aforementioned conditions have been met…those required for actual threshold crossing.
Just when we’re about to lose hope or give up altogether, the right catalyst occurs that sets the long anticipated and hoped for changes in motion. There are cosmic and astrological forces in play that have and will continue, to facilitate this into 2025 and beyond. More on that in a minute…
Actually, much has been laid in the last several years and even decades (a lot of which has been taking place unseen, hidden from view) preparing us for the threshold now before us. Hence now things are “primed” and ready to finally take us beyond where we’ve ever been before-personally, spiritually and collectively. In some areas forward progress is likely to occur rather quickly, even in the areas that haven’t budged or have moved at a snail’s pace in the past.
Astrologically, the two most outer planets–Pluto and Neptune–are crossing thresholds of their own. Pluto, the Great Transformer, has recently entered the sign most associated with awakenings: Aquarius until 2043. This can and will open us to seeing things for what they truly are, beyond what we’ve been told or believed or even seen before. Clarity, authenticity, originality, innovation, independence and freedom are all qualities that Pluto in Aquarius–the most revolutionary of all signs–will initiate.
While Pluto in Aquarius will be a major game-changer Neptune in the final degrees of Pisces plays a significant role as well.
Further between now and early 2026, Neptune crosses over the most spiritual cusp of the Zodiac–29˚ Pisces > 0˚ Aries, as these are the last and the first degrees of the Zodiac. And without a doubt, the most significant threshold in the Zodiac.
This, along with Pluto now in Aquarius, heralds the close of one age and the beginning of another, and brings us to new possibilities.
Neptune at the final degree of Pisces is extremely significant at this time. Personally it can help each of us in two ways of particular importance at this time of transition and accelerated change:
1) To experience and embrace the greater light, and the guidance it brings, that is now descending to this realm and
2) To create a stronger spiritual foundation in our lives, helping us to find our center and authentic Self as it calls us towards our true Soul identity. As we heed the call, we can rest assured that we are on the highest path possible in any given moment, venture or project we may be involved in.
Sending you blessings, peace and light on your path…and may you see the new possibilities as they emerge before you,
Links you may be interested in:
Readings by Elizabeth * 2025 Astro Event Guide * Gifts at the Close of an Age *
* Living in the Age of Light * Astrology and Intuition

I’m Elizabeth Jones, Astrologer, Tarot reader and eternal student of many topics of a more esoteric and mystical nature. This said Astrology is my first love and here you’ll discover that it is a metaphysical science rich with profound spiritual and inspirational wisdom that can guide you through and better understand the dynamic times in which we live.
Interpreting and understanding Astrology’s true meaning and influences can be tricky, to say the least. That’s what I am here to do…offer you a lens through which to access the insights and guidance Astrology can provide.
In my several decades of studying Astrology, I have come to know it as an ancient, cosmic language that speaks to the most sacred and also the most mundane aspects of life. As we come to understand this language, it can guide and reveal to us the Cosmic intentions the Universe holds for us.
As you delve deeper into the mysterious world of Astrology, you will see that it also reveals an underlying order to our Universe, an order that is reflected throughout creation. When you tap into and align with this order, you will begin to see more clearly your place and purpose in the Universe, experience greater success in your endeavors, increased ease and peace of mind and over time, begin to feel that you are flowing with and not against the natural currents of life allowing you to connect with the cosmic agendas unfolding now.
My spiritual passion – both personally and professionally – is to keep learning and to share with you about the mysterious universe we live in and unlock its secrets as I’m sure we are meant to do for they hold our hope for the future and for finding our pathway home.
My Grandfather and first teacher said to me many yeas ago that from a spiritual perspective it is a great privilege to be alive now, during the Shift of the Ages. This is something I hold dear as it has helped inspire me many times during my life as I’ve faced challenges and arrived at crossroads. Having him as my mentor and guide from an early age was a blessing beyond what I can describe. My work, and this site, are dedicated to him.
You can learn more about me here and more about my grandfather and first teacher, Ralph Jones, here.

I believe that humanity is in the midst of a major evolutionary transition…
…and to assist you in understanding and connected with the higher frequencie available I have created new tools to inspire, help and support you in navigating the challenges and dynamic shifts of this amazing and dynamic time.
As an Astrologer of 40+ years I’ve discovered many new and amazing things about Astrology. My sense is that they have always been there waiting to be revealed at the right time. And now, at this most significant turning point in humanitys’ evolution, these tools are coming to light, offering us all new ways of accessing the mysteries and depths of our own true nature and our destiny’s at this profound time.
My approach is to stay as open as I can to receive this new way to know and view Astrology and then to bring you those insights through innovative and unique tools, designed to help and guide you during this transformative and often challenging time.
Spiritually my hope is to offer you ways to bridge the gap between the Cosmic Light that Astrology points to and the Light within your being. To this end I am in the process of creating some new offerings to be available in 2024.
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