Readings With Elizabeth

As we go deeper into these accelerated and evolutionary times, it is helpful to find out what is going on with your own chart as the Cosmic energies, Astrological and otherwise, are constantly bringing you opportunities to both “manage” the challenges facing you while also revealing how to align with your Soul path.

In a reading, my goal and hope is to give you insights and clarity that can help you in connecting with the special energies present as well as give you tools and keys for navigating the challenges associated with the rapid changes taking place. 
Sending you blessings, peace and light,

Feel free to email if you have any questions.


Astrology & Tarot combined readings with Elizabeth

*90-minute Astrology & Tarot Reading*

This reading includes both Astrology and a specially-created Tarot layout designed to give you insights info the remainder of 2024 and in the first months of 2025. (Please note this reading does not include a full Celtic Cross reading. If that is what you’d like, as well as your astrology transits looked at, please get the 2-hour reading below).

» What your 90-minute reading will include:

  • We will look at what is coming up for you astrologically in the next several months.
  • Plus we will look at the specific questions and issue you  may be wanting information on.
  • The 7-card Tarot reading will bring additional perspectives as to how all this comes together.

In the Tarot portion of your reading you will gain further insight about what the next several months hold. Here are the questions:

    1. What key area should you bring additional focus to during this time?
      -Externally (in your outer life) -Internally/spiritually.
    2. What opportunities will be available to you during these six months that you should explore/consider.
    3. What is your Higher Self (Diving aspect) seeking to awaken in you? 
    4. What can you  do to prepare for the new cycle unfolding now?
    5. A message from Spirit about the next six months.
    6. “Mystery” card/question…to be decided during the reading.

»90 minutes Astro & Tarot ~ $444 USD


*2 hour Astrology & Celtic Cross Tarot Reading*

If you have a lot going on and/or would like a thorough look as to what’s coming up, you may want to consider getting both your chart looked at and doing a tarot reading which you can choose from either the 6-month Celtic Cross Tarot reading.  A Tarot reading is a great acomplement to an Astrology reading as together they’ll give you a thorough picture of how the current and upcoming energies will be impacting you in the months ahead. Plus having this awareness will give you insights and keys for how deal with and make the most of this most dynamic time. In this reading we will look at what is going on from both a practical and a spiritual perspective.

First, I look at your chart and see what transits are impacting you now and in the next several months. Then, in the 2nd hour, I do a Celtic Cross Tarot reading, giving you an additional and more symbolic perspective on the energies influencing you in the coming months.

This combo is a powerful reading designed to give you greater clarity and insights, allowing you to make decisions and set your priorities for the next few months that align you with the higher frequencies and your Soul path for the dynamic times ahead.

»120 minutes Astro & Tarot $560 USD

Astrology (only) readings with Elizabeth

*90 or 75 minute Astrology (only) Reading*

Please read the following to determine which one best meets your needs at this time:

» 90 minute reading is recommended if:

  • It is your first reading with me or it’s been a while since your last one.
  • You’re in the midst of a lot of change, have several things you’d like to discuss and/or are experiencing some significant shifts in your life.
  • You want to include in your session looking at the transits influencing you for the next several months.
  • You wish to go into several of the areas mentioned above.

»90 minutes ~ $444

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»75 minute reading is recommended if: 

  • It is your first reading with me or it’s been some time since your last one.
  • You have a few things going on and want to look at the transits influencing you for the next few months.
  • Your primary focus is that you have some important decision(s) to make and need some clarity.

»75 minutes ~ $370

*45 minute Specific Issue Reading*

This 45-minute is for when you have something specific you want some Astrological insights on. This reading is concise and clear, revealing influences or information that you hadn’t perhaps previously considered.  *Please note: This reading does not include looking at someone’s chart other than yours.
» 45 minutes ~ $233 USD


Please know that I feel it is a honor to be reading for you during this unique time and it is my hope and intention to shed greater light on what is possible for you personally and spiritually as you embark on the next phase of your Souls’ journey.
(Feel free to email if you have any questions.)

What others are saying about readings with Elizabeth

“I just had my first reading with you and I want to thank you so much. 

I can’t tell you how filled with positive energy I felt after we spoke. Your encouragement and hopeful outlook helped more than you know in dealing with our current challenge. I can now look forward to closing old doors and opening new ones with more confidence. I’m already looking forward to talking to you again in the near future! Many blessings to you for the wonderful work you are doing.


“There is something very powerful about how you communicate and articulate information which is clearly brought forth from the Universe.

You certainly have a gift, not only of interpreting the charts and Tarot, but for explaining complex and mystical topics in ways that are understandable and meaningful to me personally. Thank you for sharing your gifts through the years.


“Our phone reading was so powerful and incredibly helpful. Thank you so much for being who you are, for your gifts, for tuning in at such a deep, spiritual level…and especially for communicating it all so clearly.

Elizabeth, you gave me hope!


“I just finished re-listening to my reading with you and words cannot describe how much I appreciate your clarity and insights and your laughter and fun, too. This has really, really, (really) helped me and given me a sense of focus and determination going forward! 

I had been wavering and feeling overwhelmed and just can’t tell you how much this has helped me make sense of it all. Thank you so much Elizabeth. I will definitely be re-listening to this again as I’m sure I will keep hearing new things!


“I just got off the phone from our reading and had to write and let you know…

how calming and reassuring it was for me. I found your wise and gentle counsel comfortable, remarkably accurate and insightful. You gave me information that I’ve truly never heard from anyone else! Your gift is truly exceptional. Wow…just wow.


“Your ability to interpret the “cosmic winds” is a rare gift…

I have had several readings over the years and never before has anyone really “gotten me” like you did. I felt as though you somehow connected to my very soul. You have given me strength, renewed my courage and brought me a sense of calm and direction during a preplexing and challenging time.
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. 


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FAQ About Readings

I often get asked “When is a good time to get a reading”? Here are some things to consider:

  • When you are experiencing significant shifts, changes and/or are going through a challenging time.
  • When you are going through an expansive, exciting time in your life and you want to make the most of it.
  • At pivotal times during the year such as: The New Year/Your Birthday/Anniversaries.
  • When something new and dynamic has occurred in your life, such as a new relationship, job or a move and you want like to get some additional insights.
  • If you’ve had a reading recently, with me or someone else, but still have some things you’d like further clarification on.
  • You have heard there are significant celestial events coming up, such as eclipses, planets changing signs or unusual astrological configurations and want to see how they are personally impacting your chart.
  • For help with event timing  as Astrology is very helpful in finding a good time to do such things as sign contracts, put your house on the market, embark on a new project, venture, business, etc.

Who Phones Whom? I will call you if you live in the US, CAN or MEX. And while I am able to do readings for people in most other countries there will be an extra charge. Please contact me to discuss the details. 

About Refunds, Cancellations and No-shows

  • If you have prepaid for your session, a 100% refund is allowed if you notify me in writing no less than 14 days prior to your scheduled session.  Please note that I must acknowledge receipt of your email requesting your cancellation and refund before the 14 days before your session.
  • If you have prepaid for your session, an 80% refund is allowed if you notify me in writing no less than 3 to 13 days prior to your scheduled session. Please note that I must acknowledge receipt of your email requesting your cancellation and refund before the 3 to 13 days before your session.
  • No refunds are allowed if you cancel within 3 days of your session without notifying me and upon my acknowledging receipt of your notification. As long as you notified me of the need to cancel, you can reschedule your reading for another time.
  • IF YOU MISS YOUR APPOINTMENT, without contacting me, you will be charged a $50 fee. However, you can reschedule your session, plus the fee, regardless of the length of the reading you purchased. The only exception to this is if a true emergency kept you from keeping your appointment. Please know that the primary reason I do this is because I often have a waiting list and could have given your time to someone else had I known that you were unable to keep your appointment.
  • Due to the nature of this being a service, no refunds are allowed once you have had your reading.

Terms and Conditions of Use

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