A deep part of each of us knows we are being called Home. If you resonate with this statement then it is likely that the information given on Planets of Light will resonate with you at a core level as well and perhaps even feel somehow familiar and comforting.
Dear Reader…I believe it is no mistake that you found your way here! For the Light within you, placed long ago, is now ready and waiting to be ignited.
Welcome to Planets of Light…A System for Awakening Your Inner Light
Trust the Light that you are…always,
Elizabeth Jones
Includes: eBook, Guide and set of 8 MP3s by Elizabeth
What Is Planets of Light?
Planets of LightTM is a system developed by Elizabeth Jones where you discover that the Planets are Great Cosmic Beings—some say of the Angelic Realm—that act as Guardians of the Planetary Portals for the Great Uncreated Light.
Planets of Light has a most sacred purpose and that is to activate and expand your Light as perhaps it has never been done before…the Light that is the counterpart to the Light of your Higher Self.
This Light has been called many things, such as:
- The Life Force within you
- Your “Perfect Nature”
- “The Man of Light” (in ancient Sufi teachings)
- The Divine Light, or spark, within
This Light was bestowed to you at birth and is imprinted upon the very atoms and deepest memory of your being. The system Elizabeth developed in Planets of Light (PoL) can set you firmly on the path to fulfilling your purpose at this significant time of planet Earth’s destiny.
What others are saying about Planets of Light™:
“I have this new understanding as presented in Planets of Light!
This offering gave me a massive new insight that is awe inspiring, auspicious and incredibly profound. I can feel in my cells the power of this…and feel that it has something to do with unlocking the Cosmic codes for this Age of Intuition. I’m so excited and I just wanted to say a BIG THANK YOU.”
“Planets of Light is truly phenomenal.
You truly gave me a roadmap for how to move towards the higher frequencies for each of the planets in ways I’d never heard anywhere else. Better understanding how the benevolence of the Universe is expressed through the planetary energies brought me a deep sense of peace…such a blessing in these turbulent times.
“So much of what is in PoL really resonated with me at core levels. It’s as if you were speaking right to the heart of my soul.
PoL is helping me understand my relationship to the Cosmos in new ways I’d never considered before. Your knowledge is unique and quite amazing. Thank you for sharing it with us!
Love and Light,
Origins of Zodiac & Planets of Light
As an Astrologer and student of metaphysics and spirituality of many years, I’ve come to see Astrology as the language of the Cosmos—yet often wondered why we can’t access the insights it offers to everyone more directly and easily?
I have always felt that there must be a way to glean the wonder and wisdom found in Astrology—yet without having to study for years!
Over time I began to see and experience this mysterious world differently as I attuned to the celestial patterns that replicate themselves in our lives, rhythms that pulsate through our beings and insights to guide us throughout the twists and turns of our life.
Yet I could feel that there was something else…and eventually (almost magically!) I came to know the dynamic, living presence that emanates from the constellations and the planets as a kind of Celestial Light. I discovered that this celestial presence also exists within our being and our soul…and the connection between the heavens above us and the Light within us started to reveal itself within my own being.
As I embraced this deeper purpose and meaning of the Cosmic Light that shines through the planets and constellations many things began to make sense and Planets and Light and Zodiac of Light was born. The overall concept developed over the course of several months and years.
A deep part of each one of us knows we are being sought and called Home, and it is my hope that this material will resonate within you and even feel familiar and comforting. My hope is that it will further you on your journey.
Trust the Light that you are,
Elizabeth Jones
In Planets of LightTM you discover that we can engage the Planets to assist us in igniting our own inactive or trapped Light. This is a thrilling and extraordinary idea and one I have never seen elsewhere.
The connection between the Light of Creation, the Planets as Great Guardians of this Light and then to each of us is the key element, the alchemy, if you will, that creates Planets of Light to be the wondrous and unique gift that it is.
*In Zodiac of LightTM you learn how each of the twelve signs hold the celestial codes for all of the qualities our soul incarnates to learn. These are embedded within you and can be activated by the Sun, through the processes given in ZoL.
(Learn more about ZoL here)
Decades ago my grandfather and teacher told me “the 12 signs of the zodiac represent the qualities we are here to learn.” This simple statement has always intrigued and was the impetus for me to discover more about why this is so. Zodiac of Light the result of years of study, and it is my hope that it will help you to discover the Soul Qualities that reside within you, awaiting discovery.